Thursday, March 26, 2009 interviews Watchmen 'Under the Hood' director Eric Matthies

Chris Oben - cinematographer, trusty Bolex H16, Eric Matthies - director

Throughout the course of filming Zack Snyder's Watchmen in late 2007 and into 2008 I had the opportunity to contribute to the film and it's subsidiary productions in a number of different capacities. Firstly I had the good fortune to be involved with the DVD, internet and publicity content produced by Eric Matthies of L.A. based EMP, Inc.; secondly I was independently invited by Watchmen production manager, Jim Rowe, to operate one of two Sony F900R HDCam cameras used to capture Billy Crudup's performance of his character, Dr. Manhattan. Thirdly I was able to contribute to the mock documentary "Under the Hood" as cinematographer. Officially my 'Under the Hood' credit is for 'additional cinematography'. posted an interview with Eric Matthies about his experience producing and directing Watchmen 'Under the Hood'. In the article Eric mentions our collaboration and the choice to shoot 16mm with a Bolex.

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